M8.2 - ecco l'aggiornamento!

fotocamere che possono utilizzare ottiche Leitz/Leica, monitor, scanner, software fotografico

Moderatori: Emilio Vendramin, Riccardox, Massimiliano Liti, Sergio Frascolla, Michele Azzali, Ferruccio Lobba

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Iscritto il: mar mar 11, 2008 11:29 pm
Località: Milano

M8.2 - ecco l'aggiornamento!

Messaggio da popoloni » gio set 04, 2008 8:22 pm

da http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-for ... 8-2-a.html

Hmm, a press release by the Norwegian Leica dealer is presenting the M8.2 and I can`t see it`s even mentioned here

In short:

New "snapshot mode" marked S on the shutter dial, functions like yout normal P + auto ISO, I guess.

Auto ISO

Exposure compensation by half press of the shutter, while pressed you can dial in +-3 stop of compensation.

And it has the new shutter and all the other upgrades installed.. New compact charger, charges to 90% in 90minutes
